Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are still here

Hello there!  Been a while since I've been on this thing.  I had high hopes of updating this blog every month but that idea was had pre-baby.  Amazing how they snatch away your time :)....wouldn't have it any other way.  Life has been going well for us, Sullivan is changing DAILY he is such a blast to have around.  We are having alot of fun!  He is now sitting up on his own and looks as if he is going to take off crawling any day now.  I, however, am perfectly ok with him not being mobile for a while.  I'm pretty sure our apartment is what they show in a baby magazine for what is "unsafe" for a baby that is mobile.  Which leads me to my next subject.....WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!  We are under contract and we are set to close Feb 13th.  We are so excited and cannot wait.  The Lord definitly has blessed us and are so grateful he has brought this home to us.  If anyone would like to come help paint, moving, babysitting, etc you are more than welcome and you will be paid with pizza and of course you just get to hang out with Andy and I and we are pretty cool. 

Well, its actually snowing outside and not raining which is somewhat of a miracle.  Considering last winter we got more rain than seattle.  So I am going to bundle up my son and take him outside to show him his first snow.  Below are some pics from the last couple months...Enjoy!