Thursday, July 4, 2013

He has arrived!

As many of you know already Mr. Sullivan Andrew has arrived!  We are so thrilled and amazed.  Sometimes I can't believe he is ours, we find ourselves just staring at him all the time and thinking we are the weirdest parents for doing so. Here is how it started...the day before I was having some contractions and a backache but didn't think anything of it.  Andy and I went out to eat and when we got home we took a long walk.  As soon as I came in and layed down here came the contractions.  They were dull and the timing was all the over the place.  So I decided to go ahead and go to bed and they seemed to fade away.  At 11:30 I was woken up by a pretty stabbing contraction, so I got up and went into the bathroom and noticed water started running down my legs.  I yelled for Andy who was in the shower, had a moment of freaking out and then we gathered our things and headed over to the hospital.  My contractions started getting stronger and closer together but I was only dialated 1 cm.  They gave me some pain meds and I tried to get some sleep.  I got my epidural around 5:00 am and felt tons better but still was only 1 cm.  They started me on pitocin and that slowly started kicking in.  Around 1:30pm I could definitly tell we were getting closer, I had some pretty heavy pressure.  By 2 I started to push and an hour and a half later he had arrived.  I was beyond thrilled when he was out, first knowing he was healthy and second the pain was no more!  There really are no words to describe how we felt when we saw him, it was so surreal.  I don't think we will ever forget that moment.  We will be eternally grateful to our Father in heaven who blessed us with our beautiful son and kept him safe and healthy.  Here are some pics below of our little nuggett!