Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Two months old....feels like two years

Its amazing how fast the days go by but yet how slow they go as well.  I think if you have a newborn you know what I am talking about.  Sullivan is a little over 2 months now....crazy!  We are getting sneak peaks at his little personality.  For instance, once he has a full belly and a clean diaper he is the sweetest thing to watch.  He loves big facial expressions and will just smile away, coo and try to talk to you.  It melts my heart.  Of course when he does this I immediatly get the camera out and he shuts it down.  For right now alot of his pics consist of him and his favorite thing in the world.....his paci.  Its like a drug for him, we will hear him whining, crying, squirming and go into his room stick the paci back in his mouth and he will be OUT!  Thank the Lord almighty that he put it on somone's brain a long time ago to invent the pacifier! We will forever be grateful for that invention :).

Everything is going well, we have found a church that we really like.  Harvest Bible Chapel,  the people there have been so welcoming and kind.  The small group we are attending is lead by the pastor Mike and his wife Jamie.  They arranged for us to have a weeks worth of meals made for us from people in our small group when Sullivan was born.  We are really enjoying our time there and are excited about the relationships we are making.  Its just what we need being new to Chattanooga.  The Lord is definitly giving us direction.

We have an exciting couple months coming our way.  Patrick and Heather will be welcoming their little girl in September and Matt and Shannon will be welcoming their little girl in November or December :).  We are headed for the beach in two weeks, and are super excited!  We should have some family pics to post when we get back.  For right now, here are some pics of little Sullivan.